What if Lady wants to fly?


    Dearest Readers,

 Let me start as Lady Whistledown only for this time. Who is Lady Whistledown? She is the unknown writer of gossip newspaper in “Bridgerton”, a Netflix drama series. I recommend this drama because you can find this historical drama racially diverse.


 レディホイッスルダウンのような書き出しでごめんあそばせ。レディホイッスルダウンが何者かって?それは、Netflixで配信中のドラマ、『ブリジャートン家』に登場し、物語を語り進める、正体不明のゴシップライター。(19世紀版ゴシップガールみたいな感じ) このドラマは、硬いイメージの時代劇を現代的に描いていて、肌の色関係なくキャストを登用し、かなりダイバーシティに富んでいるのでオススメです。(黒人やアジア系が主人公になれない時代はもう終わりだ~)

 “Bridgerton” set in early 19th century in London is mainly about the scandalous aristocrats’ love story and you can also see the patriarchal society in the drama. At that time, it was considered marriage was the happiness more than anything else for women and they were required embroidery, playing the piano and dance instead of higher education or getting a job. However, Eloise, the younger sister of the heroine, Daphne, is eager to attend university and be independent on her own not by marriage. I have her impressive line.

 “Why must our only options be to squawk and settle or to never leave the nest? What if I want to fly?”




 In fact, it was difficult for women in 19th century to get a job and be financially independent except for becoming governess. Now that women can work, earn money and stand on their own and women’s right has been improved over many generations. This is the legacy which women have bequeathed to us by speaking up and taking actions for gender equality and we cannot ignore them and their great achievements.

 確かに、19世紀(ヴィクトリア朝時代)において女性が職を持つことは難しく、女性が経済的に自立するのはガヴァネス(今で言う家庭教師)となる以外不可能だったよう(杉村藍『ジェイン・エア』とフェミニズム : フェミニズムで読む『ジェイン・エア』)。今では考え難いほど女性にとって“自立する”ことが難しい時代が過去に存在したのです。それから約200年が経ち、今では、完全とは言えないまでも、”女性だから出来ないこと”は減ってきました。それも女性の権利のために立ち上がり、声を上げ、行動してきた先人女性のレガシーであり、彼女たちの存在や功績を無視することはできません。

 Upcoming March 8th is the International Women’s Day. The day was established by the United Nations in 1975 and people celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements brought by brave women on the day. In Japan I hear about this topic a lot year by year. 


 Recently, it has been revealed that Tamayo Marukawa, the Minister of State for Gender Equality in Japan, has attached her signature to the document calling on local assemblies to oppose the system of options separate surnames for married couples. In Japan, when people get married, they must use the same surname. Therefore, husband or wife need to change his or her surname but women change their surname in the most cases . This is very personal opinion but I felt disappointed for the Minister’s action because I know many women has been fighting for revising the Civil Law not to change surname after marriage. In the first place, she should work for achieving gender equality as the female Minister but her action could ruin those women’s effort. 


 Catherine Cortez Masto, who is the first Latinx woman elected to the Senate made a statement in Harper’s BAZAAR.

I have also learned through my work and from other mentors I have had throughout the course of my career that once you get there and succeed, you have a responsibility to help others as well. I don’t think you go through that door and then pull up the ladder behind you. It’s so important, particularly for women, to recognize that we have a responsibility to also keep that door open even wider and pull more people through it. Get more people involved and give them the opportunity to move even further past where you have gone

What Does It Mean to Be a Political "First" - First Ladies

 アメリカで初めてラテン系女性として上院議員に選出されたキャサリン・コルテス・マストは Harper’s BAZZAR(ハーパーズ バザー:世界で発行される女性誌)で以下のように語りました。


Harper's BAZAAR 2021年3月号

 Every year, there is a theme of International Women’s Day and Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World’ is for this year. In the past, there were women who fought for women’s suffrage. There were women who fought for expanding women’s right. As they did to us, I pray for women who open the door wider to the next generation.
