Me, Burgers and New York #2

The last dinner in NY was of course hambuger in Bill's BAR & BURGER close to Top Of The Rock. Before heading to the restaurant, we stopped by Palace Hotel where S family live in gossip girl and we felt like being in the story. By the way the waiter in Bill's BAR & BURGER was nice and food was also good too. Kindness from local people is one of what tourists are impressed and appreciate.
最後に紹介するのは、Bill's BAR & BURGERというお店。ここはトップオブザロックの近くにあるハンバーガー屋さんです。しわちゃんが見つけてくれました。プラザホテルの前を通ってお店に向かったのでちょっとだけセリーナの気分(Sはバーガーショップなんて行かなそうだけど...)ここのお店はウェイターがかなり親切だった!ふたつ頼もうとしたら多いからシェアした方がいいよとか、そんな些細な気遣いが私たち旅行者の心に染みるのです。

f:id:takeyouaway:20201013121756j:image Palace Hotel (gg freaksは見覚えあるはず)


What I ordered was "SOUTH OF THE BURGER $12.99 guacamole, caramelized onions, pepper jack cheese, queso sauce, chipotle aioli, pico de gallo, jalapeño, lettuce, tomato" I don't have knowledge about Spanish so I could only understand ingredients written in English and "jalapeño".

I knew jalapeño is hot so asked them not to put it and here is something to think about. The US and also Canada is very kind about customization. We also do in Japan but not so much normal. 5 Napkin Burger as well, the US and Canada are flexible in that they give customers much more choices. This is also what I like about the countries.

ちなみに私はサウス オブ ザ バーガーズを選んだよ。アボカド、炒め玉ねぎ、チーズ、メキシカンチーズソース、レタス、トマトなど…英語訳にメニューの原文を載せてるのでみて欲しいんだけど、途中スペイン語らしきものばっかで全然分からなかった(笑)


f:id:takeyouaway:20201013161719j:image SOUTH OF THE BURGER @Bill's BAR & BURGER


We also ordered shakes. Maiko's chocolate and mine is strawberry. Dipping fries in shake has been my favorite. Sweet and salty yum. What's new to me was waiter bought us the rest of shake that they couldn't pour in glasses. Of course we couldn't finish drinking it. But THIS IS AMERICAN isn't it?


f:id:takeyouaway:20201012235659j:image Strawberry shake and extra 


I felt like writing memoirs of hamburgers from the last NY trip, looking back the pictures in my iPhone. As you know it's difficult to travel around the world like before, picutures and videos you took or even your IG posts will take you to sweet travel memories whenever and wherever you want. Hope you guys to crave for burgers. 


Some pictures below from 3 years ago in Toronto and New York.


f:id:takeyouaway:20201012234840j:image 8/24,17 my Canadian dad and mom's burger, this is the BEST!

f:id:takeyouaway:20201012234836j:image 8/10,17 SHAKE SHACK's gift cards

f:id:takeyouaway:20201012234843j:image 8/10,17 The first SHAKE SHACK in New York