Notes; The First Monday in May Vol.1

Last week when just chilling on sofa, I found a movie, The First Monday in May. This was what I'd wanted to watch for years so preesed the play button.


This is a documentary movie about MET GALA which is anually held in the Metropolitan Museum in New York City on the first Monday in May. Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of VOGUE, has been the chairmanship of the event since 1995. MET GALA is a big fashion event to mark the opening of fashion exhibition by the Costume Institute of the MET.

This movie is mainly based on the interview with Andrew Bolton, Curator, the Costume Institute, the Metropolitan Museum of Art who takes command of the exhibition and Anna Wintour, Trustee of the museum.

The theme of the exhibition 2015 was China: Through the Looking Glass

Through the movie I came up with 

1. The problem of "The point of view of China from Western"

2. Fashion can be "ART" or not

This time I'm gonna write about the first topic.

I didn't know but a lot of desighers have been influenced by Chinese or oriental culture. Such as Jean Paul Gaultier, John Galliano and Alexander McQueen... some of their works include mystic or traditional sense of China. However, few of them actually have been to the country because their images of China usually come from media like movies or books. In fact, Gaultier says that sometimes it's even better to see books or old movies than going to the country when he creates his works. Why is it like this? This is because what they are interested in as inspiration are stereotypes or fantasy of China. 

In the movie, Mike Hearn, Curator in Charge, Department of Asian Art commented

I think there are still really strong sense that China has been taken advantage of maybe misunderstood by the west

In fact China hated that the exhibition was consisted of not the true colours of China but the past, stereotypes and fantasy. I also think this is a problem in that it could be cultural appropriation. Cultural applopliation is to use cultural products without understanding what it is. (There might be better definition but I've got full score in the section of explaining what cultural appropliation is in the history class test so😃). A good example is that non-indigenous person gets dressed in traditional indigenous costume in Halloween. So it is difficult to deal with "culture" for outsiders. 

When Andrew Bolton and Anna Wintour visited China to promote the exhibition, Chinese interviewer pointed out fantasy in the exhibition would lead to misinterpretation of real China and she also said how the westerns percieve Chinese culture and how Chinese percieve own culture is quite different. This is definitely true and I understand it is unconfortable that misconception of own country and culture become established in foreign countries.

For these problems, Andrew and Wong Kar Wai, Artistic Director for the Exhibition tried to show how designers celebrate Chinese culture and raise a question "What is the modern aesthetics in Chinese" and "Stereotypes of China" in the exhibition.

What I wanna tell through this blog is that we have to be little bit more sensitive when encountering and dealing with foreign culture. I don't want fashion and art to be limited because of being too sensitive but it is time creators must understand cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation look similar but different.

To be continued to Vol.2...


メットガラが開催される予定だった先週のある午後 メットガラ  ドレスをまとった美術館 というドキュメンタリー映画を観たよ。


メットガラとは、毎年5月の第1月曜日にニューヨークのメトロポリタン美術館(以下MET) で開催されるファッションの祭典のことで、METの服飾部門が開く展覧会のオープニングマークとなっています。主催は有名ファッション誌、VOGUEの編集長アナ・ウィンター。レディ・ガガや、アン・ハサウェイのようなセレブたちがテーマに沿った独創的かつフォーマルなドレスを身に纏いレッドカーペットに現れます。大規模なイベントである上に参加者のドレスが奇抜だから毎年日本でも大きなニュースになるよね。


映画は主にMETの服飾部門 *キュレーター、アンドリュー・ボルトンと METの理事を務めるアナ・ウィンターへの密着取材をもとに話は進みます。

*キュレーター: 博物館・美術館などの、展覧会の企画・構成・運営などをつかさどる専門職。また、一般に、管理責任者。(引用元: コトバンクキュレーター-477504 )


其の一、”西洋から見た中国” の問題点



今回のテーマは、“西洋から見た中国” の問題点 を取り上げるよ

ドキュメンタリーが密着した2015年の展覧会テーマは、China: Through the Looking Glass / 鏡の中の中国 











このように “よそ者”が他国の文化を扱うことは批判や誤解に繋がりやすく、とてもナイーブなことなのです。

展覧会のプロモーションとして中国を訪問したアンドリューとアナ・ウィンター。中国側から取材を受けるも、ファッションが表現するファンタジーによって生まれる曲解や誤解について鋭く切り込まれました。これに対してアンドリューは、展示する作品はデザイナーたちの中国への賛美であり、また西洋だけでなく中国出身のデザイナーの物も含まれるので "西洋人による中国” だけが展示されるのではないと返したものの、中国側は明らかに不服そうな感じ...。



こんな風に 鏡の中の中国 という企画の裏ではそれぞれの国の様々な思惑や考えが平行線を辿りながらも妥協点を模索していたのです。


ドキュメンタリーの中で文化の盗用という言葉は一度も使われていなかったけど、鏡の中の中国 は文化の盗用になるかならないかのギリギリを攻めた企画だったと思います。一歩間違えれば人種差別だと誤解される可能性も十分にあったしね。そんな難しいテーマを扱いながらも企画を成功に導いたアンドリュー・ボルトンというキュレーターの凄さを見せつけられた。私は映画を見終え、そう思いました。




